Impact Story

How a Video Solved the Road Problems in a Village, in Maharashtra

It took two years, but with the help of a video, regular follow up and with the support of the village authorities, a pakka road was constructed in Chaugaon, Maharashtra.

Rural roads are the most important components of India’s road network. Out of India’s 1.7 million km of roads, 73% are rural roads. The total expenditure on the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways for 2018-19 has estimated at Rs 71,000 crore. Despite all the scheme and their impacts, there are several villages in India, which are not connected through pakka roads. 

Two years back in 2017, Chaugaon village, in Chandrapur district, Maharashtra, people were facing problems due to lack of proper roads in this village. Residents owning a two-wheeler, bicycle, tractors, and children were struggling every day to commute from one place to another. Our Community Correspondent, Krupakar Chahande, made an issue video, to bring a change in this scenario. 

“Commuting on this road is a problem. We use this road, even in the night when there is nobody around to help. This is a risk to our lives”, said Ramkrishna Naktode, a farmer from Chaugaon village. Krupakar, after making the video, showed it to the village council chairman. 

Over a period of two years, with continuous follow-ups on the issue, and with the help of active community members, money was sanctioned this year, 2019, for the construction of the road in the village.  “I was informed about the issues with this road through the video. I approved Rs. 20 Lakh from the administration for the repair work, which amounted to Rs.17,50,000 after GST deduction and we immediately started the work”, said Pranali Pramod Maind, who is the Panchayat Samiti Sabhapati. 

Now, roads in Chaugaon village are safe to commute, and road transportation problems are solved. “The repair work has been completed successfully. We will not be facing difficulties now. I would like to thank the authority for the efforts”, said Prashant Gachpure, a resident of Chaugon. 

Krupakar, with his persistence and support from government authorities, was able to induce a change in his community. “I would like to thank my viewers and to those who helped bring this impact”, he added. 


Video made by Community Correspondent, Krupakar Chahande

Article by Grace Jolliffe, a Member of VV Editorial Team. 

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